This is what my code looks like:
url_object = urlparse(url)
hostname = url_object.hostname
port = url_object.port
uri = url_object.path if url_object.path else '/'
ctx = SSL.Context()
if ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile='ca-bundle.crt') != 1: raise Exception("Could not load CA certificates.")
ctx.set_verify(SSL.verify_peer | SSL.verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert, depth=5)
c = httpslib.HTTPSConnection(hostname, port, ssl_context=ctx)
c.request('GET', uri)
data = c.getresponse().read()
return data
How can I disable url redirection in this code? I am hoping there would be some way of setting this option on connection object 'c' in the above code.
Thanks in advance for the help.