how to bind Dictionary to ListView and Text box?
namespace Models
public class DynamicList
#region Constructor
public DynamicList()
_propDict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dynimicListProps = new List<DynimicListProperty>();
#endregion Constructor
#region Fields
private Dictionary<string, object> _propDict;
private IList<DynimicListProperty> dynimicListProps;
#endregion Fields
#region Properties
public Dictionary<string, object> PropsDict
get { return _propDict; }
set { _propDict = value; }
public string TestString
get { return "Hello! It's works!"; }
#endregion Properties
#region Methods
public void CreateProperties(string[] arrLine)
for (int i = 0; i < arrLine.Count(); i++)
_propDict.Add(arrLine[i].Replace("\"",""), null);
#endregion Methods
public class DynimicListProperty
private IList<string> propertyNameValues = new List<string>();
public IList<string> PropertyNameValues
get { return propertyNameValues; }
set { propertyNameValues = value; }
// now try to bind
private Models.DynamicList _dynimicList;
public Models.DynamicList _DynimicList
get { return _dynimicList; }
_importView = new Views.ImportBomView();
_importView.Grid1.DataContext = _DynimicList;
Binding bn = new Binding("Value.[2]");
bn.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
bn.Source = _DynimicList.PropsDict.Keys;
_importView.tbFileName.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, bn);
//_importView.listView1.ItemsSource = (IEnumerable)_DynimicList.PropsDict["Value"];
////// it's works when Binding bn2 = new Binding("") but of course in
///this emplementation I have the same data in all columns - so not good
// here I'll like to generate Columns and bind gvc.DisplayMemberBinding
// to dictionary _DynimicList.PropsDict[item] with Key=item
foreach (var item in _DynimicList.PropsDict.Keys)
Binding bn2 = new Binding("[3]");
bn2.Source = (IEnumerable)_DynimicList.PropsDict[item];
GridViewColumn gvc = new GridViewColumn();
gvc.DisplayMemberBinding = bn2;
gvc.Header = item;
gvc.Width = 100;