



I'm using a JTextPane to edit HTML. When I enter newlines in the GUI component and call getText() on the JTextPane, I get a string with newline characters. If I then create a new JTextPane and pass that same text in, the newlines are ignored.

Why doesn't JTextPane insert a <br> tag when a newline is entered? Is there a good workaround for this?

 JTextPane test = new JTextPane();
 test.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 300));
 test.setText("Try entering some newline characters.");
 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, test);
 String testText = test.getText();
 System.out.println("Got text: " + testText);
 // try again
 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, test);
 testText = test.getText();
 System.out.println("Got text: " + testText);

Sample output:


    Try entering some newline characters.
What gives?

I realize I could convert newlines to HTML line breaks before calling setText, but that would convert the newlines after the HTML and BODY tags as well, and seems dumb.


It looks like the HTMLWriter class eats the new line and doesn't read it or translate it to HTML (see line 483 in HTMLWriter). I don't see an easy way around this since it appears to be hard coded to be checking for '\n.' You might be able to set the DefaultEditorKit.EndOfLineStringProperty property of the JTextPane's document (via getDocument().putProperty) to <br> and then override setText to replace "\n" with <br>. Though that will do what you suggested and add breaks between html, head, and body tags as well, so you might want to do the replacement only in the body tags. It doesn't appear there is a very straight forward way to do this.

Jeff Storey

I've resolved this, the problem was the plain text I was passing in in setText. If I take out the call to setText, the result of JTextPane.getText() is nicely formatted HTML with line breaks correctly encoded.

I believe when I call JTextPane.setText("Try entering some newline characters") it sets the HTMLDocument.documentProperties.__EndOfLine__ to "\n". This document property constant is defined here.

The solution is to make sure you wrap your text in <p> tags when passing it to the JTextPane.setText() method (note, the style attribute is used for any subsequent paragraphs):

textPane1.setText("<p style=\"margin-top: 0\">Try entering some newline characters</p>");

Or, after you pass in plain text, replace the EndOfLineStringProperty (this is more of a hack, I wouldn't recommend it):

textPane1.getDocument().putProperty(DefaultEditorKit.EndOfLineStringProperty, "<br/>\n")
Sam Barnum