I have a SQL server 2000 and an Access database mdb connected by Linked server on the other hand I have a program in c # that updates data in a SQL table (Users) based data base access.
When running my program returns the following error message:
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error. Authentication failed.
[OLE / DB provider returned message: Can not start the application. Missing information file of the working group or is opened exclusively by another user.] OLE DB error trace [OLE / DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' IDBInitialize:: Initialize returned 0x80040E4D: Authentication failed.]´ .
Both the program, the sql server and database access are on a remote server.
On the local server the problem was solved by running the following:
"sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'ActSC', 'false', NULL, 'admin', NULL".
Try on the remote server the next, without result:
"sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'ActSC', true, null, 'user', 'pass'".
On the remote server and from the "Query Analyzer" sql update statements are working correctly.
Can you think of what may be the problem?