I have a project written in C++/CLI. Some of the types there are in managed code, and some are in completely native code. Let's say I have the produced DLL on a machine that dosen't have any version of the .Net framework installed, is there a way that another, native application will link with my "mixed-mode" Dll and use only the native types? I've noticed that the minute I add the "/clr" switch, my Dll automatically depends on several .Net Framework Dlls (mscorjit, mscoree etc.), and when I actually try to use the 100% native types defined in it, the application still tries to load those .Net Framework Dlls (even though I don't use the framework in that part of the code).
So, is it possible to avoid loading those Dlls in such case? (as I see it, the other option is to create another, native project, that will contain all of the native types, without the managed ones).