




I want something like this:

<msxsl:script language="C#">
   ??? getNodes() { ... return ... }

<xsl:for-each select="user:getNodes()">

What return type should i use for getNodes() and what should i put in it's body?

+1  A: 

A quick google for C# xslt msxml revealed a link to the following page which gives many examples of extending XSLT in microsoft environments.


Specifically the section on Mapping Types between XSLT and .Net gives you exactly the information you need:

W3C XPath Type - Equivalent .NET Class (Type)

  • String - System.String
  • Boolean - System.Boolean
  • Number - System.Double
  • Result Tree Fragment - System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
  • Node Set - System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator

So in your example I would try XPathNodeLiterator.

+1 vote for partial answer.
+1  A: 

I also have the same problem, in moving from MSXML to .NET native XSLT processing.

There is a bug in .NET 2.0 that makes it impractical to use:

<msxsl:script implements-prefix="user" language="jscript">
    function selectNodes(nsetCtxt, strExpr)
     // Evaluating strExpr must result in a node-set(unfortunately there is currently no evalExpr method on the MSDOM)
     // If strExpr is not specified then just try to search for anything.
     if (strExpr == '') strExpr='zzz_will_not_be_found_zzz';

     return nsetCtxt.nextNode().selectNodes(strExpr);

and use compiled XSLT (it memory leaks HUGE) (http://blogs.msdn.com/tess/archive/2006/02/15/532804.aspx for one example)

I've attempted to use the XSLT C# extension object but can't quite work out how to replicate the same functionality:

<xsl:value-of select="user:selectNodes( //xml, concat('', @pagecontent_xpath) )"/>

where @pagecontent_xpath stores an xpath reference back to the XML document.

<xsl:variable name="pagecontent_xpath">rs_data/z_row[@dataset='customers']</xsl:variable>

This problem is effectively preventing me migrating my sites from classic ASP to .NET

Any thoughts?

+2  A: 

Hi Constantin,

In principle you need to use the XPathNodeIterator to return node sets (as Samjudson says). I take it that the example you gave is a degenerated function, as you do not supply it with any parameters. However, I think it is instructive the see how you could fabricate nodes out of thin air.

<msxsl:script language="C#">
   XPathNodeIterator getNodes() 
      XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
      doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
      return doc.CreateNavigator().Select("/root/fld");

However, typically you would want to do something in your function that is not possible in xslt, like filtering a node set based on some criteria. A criteria that is better implemented through code or depends om some external data structure. Another option is just that you would to simplify a wordy expression (as in the example bellow). Then you would pass some parameters to you getNodes function. For simplicity I use a XPath based filtering but it could be anything:

   <msxsl:script language="C#">
       XPathNodeIterator getNodes(XPathNodeIterator NodesToFilter, string Criteria)
         XPathNodeIterator x = NodesToFilter.Current.Select("SOMEVERYCOMPLEXPATH["+Criteria+"]");
         return x;
   <xsl:for-each select="user:getNodes(values/val,'SomeCriteria')">

Hopes this helps, Boaz
