
Does System.Xml use MSXML?

I'm developing a C# application that uses a handful of XML files and some classes in System.Xml. A coworker insists on adding the MSXML6 redistributable to our install, along with the .NET framework but I don't think the .NET framework uses or needs MSXML in anyway. I am well aware that using MSXML from .NET is not supported but I supp...

How to use node-set function in a platform-independent way?

I'm writing some xlst file which I want to use under linux and Windows. In this file I use node-set function which declared in different namespaces for MSXML and xsltproc ("urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" and "" respectively). Is there any platform independent way of using node-set? ...

How to declare a user-defined function returning node-set?

I want something like this: <msxsl:script language="C#"> ??? getNodes() { ... return ... } </msxsl:script> <xsl:for-each select="user:getNodes()"> ... </xsl:for-each> What return type should i use for getNodes() and what should i put in it's body? ...

MSXML from C++ - pretty print / indent newly created documents

I'm writing out XML files using the MSXML parser, with a wrapper I downloaded from here: Works great except that when I create a new document from code (so not load from file and modify), the result is all in one big line. I'd like elements to be indented nicely so that I can read it easily...

Concatenating xml files with xslt

I have several xml files, the names of which are stored in another xml file. I want to use xsl to produce a summary of the combination of the xml files. I remember there was a way to do this with the msxml extensions (I'm using msxml). I know I can get the content of each file using select="document(filename)" but I'm not sure how to ...

Nested predicates in xslt

Is it possible to do the equivalent of the following in xslt: .//TagA[./TagB/[@AttrA='AttrAValue'] = 'TagBValue'] This is failing within Visual Studio 2008 with the following error: error: Unexpected token '[' in the expression. .//TagA[./TagB/ -->[<-- @AttrA='AttrAValue'] = 'TagBValue'] Should this be working? Is this a problem in...

MSXML Select Nodes Not Working

I am working on an automated testing app, and am currently in the process of writing a function that compares values between two XML files that should be identical, but may not be. Here is a sample of the XML I'm trying to process: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <report xmlns="http://www.**.com/**"&gt; <subreport name="RBDRep...

How can I access element attributes from an IXMLDOMNode?

Hi all, I'm building an XML DOM document in C++. My problem is this: I execute an XPATH query from an Element in my Document, which I know will return another Element. The elementPtr->selectSingleNode call returns an IXMLDOMNode. How can I gain access to the attributes of this node? Part of me wants to downcast the Node to an Element,...

Delphi and XPath functions

Can I use Xpath node set function position() in Delphi's function selectNodes() to select only a certain number of element from a node list? If I do like this: selectNodes('Item[1]') its all fine and I get the element with index 1, but when I try selectNodes('Item[position()<10]') I get exception 'unknown method', when I try se...

MSXML and newline normalization(?) of Document.xml property

I created following simple xml (C escape sequence used) "<A>\n</A>" When MSXML (v4 and v6) serialize DOM document using IXMLDOMDocument2.xml it changes newline to dos format and returns: "<A>\r\n</A>" instead. When I use DOM to retrieve only string node inside element I get correct single character ("\n") string. Of course I have pres...

MSXML2.XMLHTTP send method works with early binding, fails with late binding

The code below works. But if I comment out the line "Dim objRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP" and uncomment the line "Dim objRequest As Object" it fails with the error message "the parameter is incorrect". Why, and what (if anything) can I do about it? Public Function GetSessionId(strApiId, strUserName, strPassword) As String Dim strPostData ...

MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr->GetXML() messing up my string!

All, this is my code //declare string pointer BSTR markup; //initialize markup to some well formed XML <- //declare and initialize XML Document MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pXMLDoc; HRESULT hr; hr = pXMLDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument40)); pXMLDoc->async = VARIANT_FALSE; pXMLDoc->validateOnParse = VARIANT_TRUE; pXMLDoc...

MSXML XSL Transformation mutithreaded performance contention

I have a multithreaded server C++ program that uses MSXML6 and continuously parses XML messages, then applies a prepared XSLT transform to produce text. I am running this on a server with 4 CPUs. Each thread is completely independent and uses its own transform object. There is no sharing of any COM objects among the threads. This works ...

How can I get the value data out of an MSXML::IXMLDOMElement

I have an xml string <grandparent> <parent> <child>dave</child> <child>laurie</child> <child>gabrielle</child> </parent> </grandparrent> What I want to get is the data raw xml that's inside the parent. I'm using MSXML iXMLElm->get_xml(&bStr); is returning <parent> <child>dave</child> <child>laur...

XmlTextAttribute and CDATA

We have a part of our application where our users can create objects containing html, javascript and css through custom made Wysiwyg components. Those objects are at some point serialized and later deserialized. However, since our users/clients are located all over the globe, they sometimes input characters that cause grievance during de...

Posting xml with ServerXMLHTTP timeout

I'm working on two websites. One is an existing classic asp site which posts xml to a new (.net 3.5) website. The classic asp site is using msxml's serverxmlhttp object in vbscript to send this xml over. The whole thing works until I make a seemingly unrelated change to the site. When I add a few lines of code that us...

schema validation with msxml in delphi

Hi, I'm trying to validate an XML file against the schema's it references. (Using Delphi and MSXML2_TLB.) The (relevant part of the) code looks something like this: procedure TfrmMain.ValidateXMLFile; var xml: IXMLDOMDocument2; err: IXMLDOMParseError; schemas: IXMLDOMSchemaCollection; begin xml := ComsDOMDocument.Crea...

How to use msxml with Visual Studio 2008 Express (no ATL classes) without becoming crazy?

It is not really a question because I have already found a solution. It took me a lot of time, that's why I want to explain it here. Msxml is based on COM so it is not really easy to use in C++ even when you have helpful classes to deal with memory allocation issues. But writing a new XML parser would be much more difficult so I wanted ...

Is there a way to get a non-node result from MSXML XPath evaluator?

I understand that the name of selectNode/selectSingleNode methods actually suggests that they are designed to return a node, however maybe there is some other way or a setting available to enable XPath evaluator to return data of other types (that are also valid XPath results) oDocument.selectSingleNode("'1'"); throws an error "Expr...

msxml removes line breaks in CDATA section

I have a simple XML with a CDATA section like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <config> <input> <![CDATA[ line another line and another ]]> </input> ... </config> And I have the current code for parsing the CDATA section using MSXML. for (int i = 0, count = pChildNodes->Getlength(); i < count; ++i) { ...