
How can I access element attributes from an IXMLDOMNode?

Hi all, I'm building an XML DOM document in C++. My problem is this: I execute an XPATH query from an Element in my Document, which I know will return another Element. The elementPtr->selectSingleNode call returns an IXMLDOMNode. How can I gain access to the attributes of this node? Part of me wants to downcast the Node to an Element,...

Selectsinglenode in IXMLDOMElement?

can i perform select single node from IXMLDOMElement ,if its possible give me one example for that using MSXML ...

How to extend IXMLDOMElement using 'prototype'?

I have some code, which was written couple of years ago and works only in IE. I would like, to make it work with browser now. So, code receives XML by XHR, and then reading its content. And I have a "collection" of elements. In FF it type is Element, in IE is IXMLDOMElement. To make reading text value unified (FF uses textContent prope...