
How do I append elements with duplicate names using MSXML & C++?

I am write some code to update a XML DOM using MSXML4 & C++. I need a method that appends a child element to a parent element. The code I have written below works until the title of the child matches the title of another child under the parent. I cannot change the title of the children so I need to find a way to append them to the par...

How to create XML from MSXML DOM

I've loaded an XML into a MSXML DOM node hierarchy, manipulated some of the nodes, and now I'd like to create an XML as a string from the node hierarchy. I know MSXML exposes a save functionality through, however it is: 1) non-standard (i.e. not specified by W3C), and 2) apparently only writing to files (e.g. not t...

Find MSXML version from registry.

windows has many MSXML versions that can be installed side by side. i.e ver 3, 4, 5 & 6. I have to find which msxml file is present on the system. My query is limited through registry only. ...

Load XML into C++ MSXML from byte array

I'm receiving XML over a network socket. I need to take that XML and load it into the DOM to perform further operations. MSXML requires input strings that are in either UCS-2 or UTF-16 and completely ignores the XML header with the encoding type when loading from a string. It allows the loading of XML fragments, so this makes some sense....

Default encoding for variant bstr to std::string conversion

Hello, I have a variant bstr that was pulled from MSXML DOM, so it is in UTF-16. I'm trying to figure out what default encoding occurs with this conversion: VARIANT vtNodeValue; pNode->get_nodeValue(&vtNodeValue); string strValue = (char*)_bstr_t(vtNodeValue); From testing, I believe that the default encoding is either Windows-1252...

How can I get the XML nodes from this XML in classic ASP (MSXML)?

Hi all, OK, I'm at my wits end. This seems like it should be a completely trivial thing to do, yet after an hour I still just cannot make it work. I'm trying to get a list of time zones from the Campaign Monitor API; unfortunately the page I need to do this in is written in classic ASP/Javascript so I can't just use the API wrapper. I...

Traversing all nodes in an XML file with VBScript

I have written a VBScript which is supposed to tranverse all nodes in an XML file, irrespective of the depth of the tree. This it does well except that the node names for the those nodes which are 2 or more levels deep are not displayed. I need the node names as well as the values so that I have name/value pairs for further processing by...

How to: Programmatically detect if MSXML parser (version 3+) is installed or not

Hi All, Can anyone help me out, how to detect if MSXML parser is installed on a machine or not. I looked for a registry entry,but unable to get one. I am writing a VB.NET application. Thanks in advance :) ...

Sending a 'application/soap+xml' SOAP request using Classic ASP

Any help with this would be appreciated; I've been at it for a few days now. Below is the code that I've got so far; unfortunatly when I run it I get a HTTP 415 error; Cannot process the message because the content type 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'. I have to send the content...

How to get equivalent of max() on MSXML6?

Evidently MSXML6 doesn't support XSLT 2.0, at least not the max() function. I need to find out the node that contains the highest value among its siblings. They are in arbitrary order. I want the order to remain identical so adding order-by and checking [0] is out of question. I want to do this with a single XPath statement. I don't wa...

Generating XSL FO

Hi, Are there any XSLT parsers (like MSXML 4.0) helping to retrieve the XSL FO document during the XSL-Transformaion Process ? In other words, how do I get a XSL FO file from a XML and XSL file ? Thanks, Aiwee ...

Migration from MSXML to Xerces

I am planning to port my application from Windows to Linux, currently my application uses MSXML for XML parsing. I have decided to use Xerces XML parser to provide a cross platform solution. My code size is too big and I do not want to touch all the internal part of the code for this porting purpose as it might break some of the function...

XML Schema: Incorrect definition for the root element in schema

There is a schema with the following boring root element: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""&gt; The schema is valid as far as I'm concerned, and Excel reads it no problem, for instance. However, when I try to validate stuff agaist this schema using MSXML (v3 or v4 or v6) I g...

Need help stopping MSXML from adding namespaces

I am using MSXML 4 to generate the following xml string: <?xml version="1.0"> <Parent_Element xmlns="http://1"&gt; <Child_One> <Child_Two xmlns="http://2"&gt; <Child_Three> </Child_Three> </Child_Two> </Child_One> </Parent> However the output from my IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr always includes a...

XSD: Define an element with any name

Because of limitations of certain systems, we need to use XMLs that are formatted a bit inconveniently. Those we need to transform into a convenient form. The question: how do I define in an XSD schema an element that has the following properties: Does not have any children Does not have any attributes Has any name (that is what...

Is there a greasemonkey for IE? or, how do I get a website to use MSXML6 instead of MSXML5 ?

I don't know greasemonkey but I think it is a way to script or extend Firefox. Is there a greasemonkey for IE? for example: There's a website that is hosting a page that asks me to install MSXML5.0. I don't want MSXML5.0. I was thinking if I had a greasemonkey capability (if it is what I think it is), I'd be able to write a scr...

MSXML's loadXML fails to load even well formed xml

Hi Guys, I have written a wrapper on top of MSXML in c++ . The load method looks like as below. The problem with the code is it fails to load well formed xml sometimes. Before passing the xml as string I do a string search for xmlns and replace all occurrence of xmlns with xmlns:dns. In the code below I remove bom character. Then i...

XmlHttp: How to get the actual statusText from an msxml.xmlhttp object?

A web-server is returning a status code and description in response to a request by an XmlHttp component. The actual status response from the server begins with: HTTP/1.1 400 Not a valid http POST request which i can see in though a Fiddler trace: But when i ask the xmlHttp request for the status and statusText, it shows me the "st...

Clearing .Schemas of a IXMLDOMDocument2 ?

How do I clear the .Schemas of a IXMLDOMDocument2 after I have added a schema to a IXMLDOMSchemaCollection2 then assigned to the .Schemas of the IXMLDOMDocument2? So I am trying to valdiate a xml against multiple XSD one by one, but it seems the XSD gets "accumulated" at the xml document object. Must I create a new xml document object ...

How can I write XML from PowerPoint VBA?

Hello! I have another question. I need to develop a PowerPoint add-in (for 2003 and 2007 versions) that will be installed on some users computers. It needs to track some of the things they do when they give presentations and then send me the results. These will be on people's computers that are not under adminstration control (e.g. vendo...