Not sure if it as mentioned but local development servers like:
- Xampp;
- Lampp;
- Mampp;
- Wamp;
And many other have PHP error setting to report all errors and notices.
Equal to error_reporting(E_ALL);
However if you ever need these quick codes to check you code for notices or errors, to set the current error report level that the server will perform for a specific PHP script:
Shows Errors but doesn't show Notices:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE | E_STRICT);
Shows Everything:
Shows only Errors:
You just have to add one of these lines in your PHP Script on the start.
PS: Not a very good idea to show notices in your hosting server. Be sure to remove these lines when you send then to the hosting server
If your looking to change you PHP.ini config for one of these values.
Open your PHP.ini config file and about the 514º line there is the default error reporting level.
Open this helps.
EDIT: It was the 514º line not the 504º. Sorry