There are lots of interesting JSP tag libraries.
I wanted to know what good Velocity gadgets or libraries or resusable components are out there.
Please one per answer.
There are lots of interesting JSP tag libraries.
I wanted to know what good Velocity gadgets or libraries or resusable components are out there.
Please one per answer.
The way Velocity works mean that you more often than not do not need the equivalent of a JSP tag library.
For example jstl c:* tag libraries are covered by the Velocity built-in directives. To do any of the fmt:* tag library functionality you simply add a Formatter object to the Velocity context and call methods on it. e.g. $datefmt.format($date)
This means you can get a lot further without resorting to tag libraries. For those common tasks that are complex enough to require some additional code there is alway the standard Velocity tools:
In particular: