Hello all,
In IE7, I get gaps in between my div. Better explanation of my problem if you view it in both IE7 and Firefox.
Compare this in firefox to IE7 [Edit][Removed URL].
What is the problem??
Hello all,
In IE7, I get gaps in between my div. Better explanation of my problem if you view it in both IE7 and Firefox.
Compare this in firefox to IE7 [Edit][Removed URL].
What is the problem??
Use a CSS reset, also remove comments. Comments also create gaps sometimes in IE.
remove the comments
this is the main problem
IE7 treat comments as DOM Nodes, rendering white spaces, or divs, with a default height equal to a <br/>
Either you should move your <form> tags to a "better" location, or you could add the following to your CSS:
Actually, there is different pixel values in each browswer
This will set all the values to 0 not just the form values