



I notice that Rails 2.2 (currently edge) supports setting HttpOnly on the session cookie.

Is there a way of setting it on a Rails 2.1 application without moving to edge/2.2?


Set the http_only option to true in the cookie's options hash:

cookies['visits'] = { :value => '20', :http_only => true }
John Topley
Thanks John - that works for cookies that are set manually, but not for the session cookie.
Oh, sorry - I didn't read the question closely enough!
John Topley
+1  A: 

Well it isn't supported, as you note, but you can of course monkey-patch Rails to do what you want. Actually, the difference between directly patching your Rails v. monkey-patching in this case is very little, as either would be removed/reverted when you upgrade to 2.2.

In both cases you would look at that applied diff as a guide for patching 2.1 yourself - either through applying the patch directly (modulo any 2.1/edge differences), or by reopening those classes from your own code post-environment-loading to apply the changes.

James Baker
I guess that's the only way. Thanks!
+1  A: 

I have written a monkey patch to add this support to Rails 2.1, from the patch for Rails 2.2.

I've not tested on anything other than Rails 2.1, and your mileage may vary!
