The answer in the other article is fine for your problem too, as what you really want is an inner join. It's important to note that the inner join is only used to perform the function, it's not modifying the list (i.e. items that don't meet the inner join are left untouched in the list).
For completeness here's the solution I would use:
List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
people.Add( new Person{ Name = "Timothy", Rating = 2 } );
people.Add( new Person{ Name = "Joe", Rating = 3 } );
people.Add( new Person{ Name = "Dave", Rating = 4 } );
List<Person> updatedPeople = new List<Person>();
updatedPeople.Add( new Person { Name = "Timothy", Rating = 1 } );
updatedPeople.Add( new Person { Name = "Dave", Rating = 2 } );
ShowPeople( "Full list (before changes)", people );
Func<Person, Person, Person> updateRating =
( personToUpdate, personWithChanges ) =>
personToUpdate.Rating = personWithChanges.Rating;
return personToUpdate;
var updates = from p in people
join up in updatedPeople
on p.Name equals up.Name
select updateRating( p, up );
var appliedChanges = updates.ToList();
ShowPeople( "Full list (after changes)", people );
ShowPeople( "People that were edited", updatedPeople );
ShowPeople( "Changes applied", appliedChanges );
Here's the output I get:
Full list (before changes)
Name: Timothy, Rating: 2
Name: Joe, Rating: 3
Name: Dave, Rating: 4
Full list (after changes)
Name: Timothy, Rating: 1
Name: Joe, Rating: 3
Name: Dave, Rating: 2
People that were edited
Name: Timothy, Rating: 1
Name: Dave, Rating: 2
Changes applied
Name: Timothy, Rating: 1
Name: Dave, Rating: 2