




I overrode DefaultKeyboardFocusManager to provide some special behavior for the Alt key. However, after setting this, I notice that hitting Tab on some of my text fields does not work.

I also experimented with even calling the following on the AWT, but this still exhibited the broken Tab behavior:

KeyboardFocusManager.setCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(new DefaultKeyboardFocusManager());

Why would setting the current keyboard focus manager have such bad effects?


You wrote some custom code and now you have problems? Just a guess here but maybe the problem is with your code?

If you need more help post your SSCCE.

I think my explanation was unclear. I created a CustomKeyboardFocusManager that overrode the Default one that is being used by my system. Like you, I started by debugging my custom code. However, I noticed that even explicitly setting the keyboard focus manager to a new DefaultKeyboardFocusManager exhibited the same problems. This suggests to me that there's something about the behavior of setting the focus manager that I'm not aware of.