I found out IE has different behavior vs Firefox when I use this
That basically just to add the theme-2.css on top within HEAD tag (for theme purpose). I do that because I don't want it to load yet because I use the csspreload http://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/update%5Fautomatically%5Fpreload%5Fimages%5Ffrom%5Fcss%5Fwith%5Fjquery/
In Firefox, the .css file on top will be taken over in priority by files below. This works fine!
In IE, the NEW .css file being added later into HEAD will take effect. This doesn't matter it is on top or bottom.
- How to fix this behavior for IE?
- Is there a different image loader that I can input .css files into parameters and it loads from there? The current one must see .css file in link within html.