




Hi There

I am hoping that there is someone that can help me and many others with this problem...

I want to create a screenshot of a website using the imagegrabwindow function part of php and the GD library

After spending the whole day implementing the code I finally can capture the image and save it to a file, but the image is black and not the image that I expected...

On further investigation I have learned that one of the reasons why the image is black is because apache is not turned on to interact with the desktop - and because of this creates a black image - The issue is I am not running Apache as a server I am running IIS 6...

Is there a setting in Services that I should allow to interact with the desktop? and if there is can somebody point me in the right direction?

    $browser = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application");
    $handle = $browser->HWND;
    $browser->Visible = true;
    $browser->Fullscreen = true;

    /* Still working? */
    while ($browser->Busy) {
    $im = imagegrabwindow($handle, 0);
    imagepng($im, "iesnap6.jpg");

Thanks to the answers below I have changed imagepng to imagejpeg - But still get a black image...

imagejpeg($im, "iesnap7.jpg");

Any help would be much appreciated!


I have ammended the code to this: Social Addict still no success with the image showing up in Black!

 header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
$browser = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application");
$handle = $browser->HWND;
$browser->Visible = true;

/* Still working? */
while ($browser->Busy) {
$im = imagegrabwindow($handle, 0);
imagejpeg($im," file2.jpg");

Social Addict - I have added the header - I am also constantly changing the file1.jpg name to make sure it is not using a black cached images... still no luck!

+2  A: 

I've had this problem before and is often caused when you try and load or convert an image to an incorrect type

I think it may be something to do with this line

imagepng($im, "iesnap6.jpg");

You are saving it as a png and naming it as a jpg here.

Try the following as you have stated you want jpeg

imagejpeg($im, "iesnap6.jpg");


Try setting the header type before the imagejpeg call:

header('Content-type: image/jpeg');

then accessing the script from the browser directly and see if that works?

Also this is another known issue from PHP.NET

This function was painfully slow when I was testing it on my machine. It took about 2 or 3 seconds for it to return an image. It also fails to work if the Apache service doesn't have access to "Interact with the desktop"

I have changed it to imagepng($im, "iesnap6.pmh"); as well and get the same black image - I do not have Appache installed only running "IIS" as my webserver - which make me thing that I should somehow allow IIS to "Interact with the desktop"
Gerald Ferreira
I mean imagepng($im, "iesnap6.png"); (Spelling Correction)
Gerald Ferreira
go to your iis settings and allow interact with desktop. But the line you just wrote doesnt match to what i suggested... imagejpeg($im," file.jpg");
Thanks SocialAddict - changed it to imagejpeg($im," file.jpg"); (Still a black image) in settings I cannot find IIS as a service and are assuming it is World Wide Web Publishing Service and allowed "interact with desktop" restarted and made sure the service is running - but still getting a black image...
Gerald Ferreira
You need to call the browser commit command before the imagejpeg() call -or the example on php.net seems to: http://php.oregonstate.edu/manual/en/function.imagegrabwindow.php
try setting the header type as ive amended above

Are the IIS and WWW Publishingservice allowed to interact with the desktop?

My computer -> manage -> services -> [IIS and WWWPub...] -> LoginTab -> Allow to interact with desktop

I am running Vista - ->Services->World Wide Web Publishing Service-> LoginTab -> Allow to interact with desktop Assuming that it is the same as [IIS and WWWPub...] do not have the [IIS and WWWPub...] restarted my machine and checked if the service restarted... still getting the Black image
Gerald Ferreira

i had the same problem, try change color resolution to 32 bits and try again.

Thanks for comming back to me Jass - One of the problems is that my server only handles 16 bit
Gerald Ferreira

I've check things with the 16bits and 32 bits as well but it still not works


i m using same code but still i m gettimg black image, anyone please help me out.

Deepak Raikwar

I was having problems with imagegrabwindow(). Eventually, after finding no help with the problem, I decided to see if I could script an existing page-capture plugin or extention. I found that Pearl Crescent Page Saver for Firefox is scriptable from the commandline.


The Basic version gives you less flexibility than their paid version, but the basic version met my needs. It may also work on non-Windows systems, but I haven't tried it.

Greg Bulmash

I have figured out the issue a while back: The main problem were that my dedicated server did not have a 32 bit Graphics Card Installed. This caused the images to display black...

I updated my server hardware and installed a 32 bit graphics card and now it is working with no issues.

Gerald Ferreira