I am trying to use a jQuery selector on data I get back from an ajax call.
Here is the code I have -
url: 'moo.html',
success: function ( code )
var divs = $(code).filter(function(){ return $(this).is('div') });
console.log( divs ); // gives me back entire object
console.log( $(divs[0]) ); // gives me the first object
// console.log( $(divs[0]).('#bar')); // error
// console.log( $(divs #foo #bar)); // error
// console.log( $(divs).(#foo #bar)); // error
moo.html -
<div id='foo'><div id='bar'>123</div></div><div id='biz'><div id='dev'>345</div></div>
So how can I grab the html contents (123) of the bar div within the foo div?