I wrote this function to get the unread count of google reader items.
function GetUnread($sid)
$url = "http://www.google.com/reader/api/0/unread-count?all=true&output=xml";
$msg = urldecode($msg);
$msg = stripslashes($msg);
$msg = urlencode($msg);
$url = $url . $msg;
$purl = parse_url($url);
$uri = $purl['scheme'] . "://" . $purl['host'] . $purl['path'] . "?" . $purl['query'];
$cookie = "Name=SID;SID=" . $sid . ";Domain=.google.com;Path=/;Expires=16000000";
$headers = array();
array_push($headers, "GET " . $uri . " HTTP/1.0");
array_push($headers, "Host: " . $purl['host']);
array_push($headers, "Referer: " . $uri);
array_push($headers, "Cookie: " . $cookie);
array_push($headers, "");
$headers = implode("\r\n", $headers);
echo $headers;
$conn = fsockopen($purl['host'], 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if ($conn)
fputs($conn, $headers);
$response = "";
while (!feof($conn)) //Appears to loop indefinitely until feof's timeout(60)
$response .= fgets($conn, 128);
echo $response;
The headers when produced look like this:
GET http://www.google.com/reader/api/0/unread-count?all=true&output=xml HTTP/1.0
Host: www.google.com
Referer: http://www.google.com/reader/api/0/unread-count?all=true&output=xml
Cookie: Name=SID;SID=DQA...zA;Domain=.google.com;Path=/;Expires=16000000
It just sits there and once finished loading there is no response string. Is it an issue with the headers or the fsockopen?