



I am looking out for an eclipse plug-in that could be used to detect unused methods or classes across a project. Does any one know a efficient good to use plug-in of that kind?

+2  A: 

Something like EclEmma ( might be what you're looking for. It shows code coverage for packages, classes, methods and individual lines.

Some lines will never get 100% coverage (e.g. Enums) but it will give you a good idea about what's being used.

Bob Breznak
assuming you have a comprehensive test suite or manually run the code each time
Rich Seller
+7  A: 

alt text

Of course, any of those tools can NOT deterministically find unused code (see the Halting Problem). Any code could eventually be called, through various means like Reflection.
But those static analysis tools can help.
For additional hints, a good test coverage is still required (dynamic analysis).

Don't you mean "any of those tools can **NOT** deterministically find unused code"?
Geoffrey Zheng
@Geoffrey: very good point. I have fixed this... "typo".