I know of the standard technique of having a begin rescue end
How does one just use the rescue block on its own.
How does it work and how does it know which code is being monitored?
I know of the standard technique of having a begin rescue end
How does one just use the rescue block on its own.
How does it work and how does it know which code is being monitored?
A method "def" can serve as a "begin" statement:
def foo
You can also rescue inline:
1 + "str" rescue "EXCEPTION!"
will print out "EXCEPTION!" since 'String can't be coerced into Fixnum'
I'm using the def / rescue combination a lot with ActiveRecord validations:
def create
@person = Person.new(params[:person])
redirect_to @person
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
render :action => :new
I think this is very lean code!