Any suggestions re best free (windows based) Sqlite management tool?
I use this one: sqliteadmin. It seems not to be active anymore but I still use it successfully with the newest sqlite and I am quite happy with it.
2009-10-09 11:57:19
There's also an add-on for Firefox called 'SQLite Manager' which I like to use for quick stuff.
2009-10-09 11:59:06
I like the Firefox plugin for managing schema, but for data manipulation I find the command line quite good.
Just install Cygwin and the Sqlite package, and you can query away. Since you don't have passwords and lengthly connection strings, it's quite easy to input commands from a shell, or use sqlite's interactive shell.
2009-10-09 13:34:47
No need to install Cygwin just for this; SQLite provides a native Windows build of sqlite3.exe.
Stephen Jennings
2009-10-15 02:40:05
You can run sqlite3 from the Windows command shell, but the default Windows Cmd.exe makes me want to cut my fingers off. In addition to better usability, being able to pipe the output into another program is quite useful as well.
2009-10-15 22:44:14