I'm trying to get a query going that will search multiple tags. The tags are db based and I've related them to the entity with a junction table. If I search with 1 tag, I get the correct results, but if I search with 2 tags, I only get the entities that match the second tag.
Here's the C# code that builds the IQueryable:
var awTable = db.Artworks.Where( aw => true ); //default get all
awTable = awTable.Where( aw => (bool)aw.IsArtworkVisible );
foreach ( SearchTag tagToMatch in tagList )
awTable = awTable.Where( aw => aw.ArtworkName.Contains( tagToMatch.SearchTagText )
|| db.SearchTag_x_Artworks.Where( stxa => stxa.SearchTagID == tagToMatch.SearchTagID )
.Select( stxa => stxa.ArtworkID ).Contains( aw.ArtworkID ) );
Here's the resulting SQL, which, if I plug it into a query window and set the parameter values, includes both where clauses and returns the correct list of entities. (WTF!?!?)
{SELECT [t0].[ArtworkID], [t0].[ArtworkName], ... [t0].[MediumID]
FROM [dbo].[Artworks] AS [t0]
FROM [dbo].[SearchTag_x_Artwork] AS [t1]
WHERE ([t1].[ArtworkID] = [t0].[ArtworkID]) AND ([t1].[SearchTagID] = @p0)
)) OR ([t0].[ArtworkName] LIKE @p1)) AND ((EXISTS(
FROM [dbo].[SearchTag_x_Artwork] AS [t2]
WHERE ([t2].[ArtworkID] = [t0].[ArtworkID]) AND ([t2].[SearchTagID] = @p2)
)) OR ([t0].[ArtworkName] LIKE @p3)) AND (([t0].[IsArtworkVisible]) = 1)
This is kind of befuddling, any advice is appreciated. Thanks.