




After updating to Snow Leopard, Ruby 1.8.7 (preinstalled with OS) become much more closer to me. I try to use port's but has no luck with this solution. (port ryby186 halt something without drop exception). So I start to think about update large scope of code to 1.8.7 requirements. Please help me with some scripts, articles and so on whose help to analyze code.

I already try to read release notes on , but without any positive results.

Thank You for answers!

+1  A: 

As AB suggested, your question is hard to answer specifically. If you are dealing with switching from 1.8.6 to 1.8.7, you'll want to have both installed on your machine. You might look at a tool to manage multiple versions of Ruby such as rvm. It is packed as a gem, so install it:

sudo gem install rvm

Then to get Ruby 1.8.6 back, run:

rvm install ruby186

With rvm you can also set up gem sets so that it is easy to keep your sets up to date on the different versions of Ruby you install.

Ok, but maybe special special code analyzer available, which may parse code and show capability issues?
To my knowledge, there is nothing automatic that you could just run on your project. A complete test suite would no doubt go a long way towards telling you what broke.