Hello, check the following script:
from mechanize import Browser
br = Browser()
page = br.open('http://scottishladiespool.com/register.php')
br.select_form(nr = 5)
r = br.click(type = "submit", nr = 0)
print r.data
#prints username=&password1=&password2=&email=&user_hide_email=1&captcha_code=&user_msn=&user_yahoo=&user_web=&user_location=&user_month=&user_day=&user_year=&user_sig=
that is, it doesn't add the name=value pair of the submit button (register=Register). Why is this happening? ClientForm is working properly on other pages, but on this one it is not. I've tried setting the disabled and readonly attributes of submit control to True, but it didn't solve the problem.