The php section of my code is not doing the correct operations when the user submits his/her number, for example, if the user submits 5, I want the rand function to randomly output 5 as the number selected; however, my code sometimes works and at other times does not work.
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choose a die number
<h1>Choose a die number</h1>
<form method = "post" action="choosedie.php"/>
<!--If the user selects a number of sides the die is suppose to have
rand should go through and pick the number randomly, and echo out the
number that was entered by the user-->
Please choose how many sides a die should have from 1 through 6:
<input type = "text" name = "roll"/>
//Roll a random dice from 1 through 6:
$roll = rand(1,6);
// Add random variable to do comparison on.
Is there a way for me to just compare rand here, without having to create another variable?
$random = rand(1,6);
// If $roll is equal to $random echo the output out to the user.
If ($roll == $random)
echo "<br/>Here is the random $roll with the appropriate maximum value $random\n";
If the user selects 5, I want this to echo out 5, but I am getting different values?