



Hey, I'm trying to ping my server and check the version of the app - all goes well so far:

 NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
  NSError *theNetworkError;
  NSString *content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&theNetworkError];
  //make sure something was returned
  if (!content) {
   //didn't connect
   //my code that goes here is all fine and works
  } else {
//there was some content returned by the server
//this NSLog prints out the expected data ('success' without the quotes)
   NSLog(@"server returned data: >|%@|<", content);
//neither of these two EVER become true, even when the server DOES return success or update
   //connected, check what the server returned
   if (content == @"success") {
    NSLog(@"all went perfect");
   } else if (content == @"update") {
    NSLog(@"version error");

The IF statements aren't working for some reason, can anyone help me out please? Thanks.

+2  A: 

Use the isEqualToString: method, not pointer equality (==).

+2  A: 

You are not checking the contents of content with your current conditional statement, you are checking to see if it is a valid object/pointer and not nil, which it is (valid) since you've just declared it.

Use NSString's length method and test for 0 (or isEqualToString:)

Also see this previous question for another alternative.

Rafif Yalda
thanks a lot this fixed it :)
Cal S
No problem, my first accepted answer :)
Rafif Yalda