Hello all,
Please look at the following code. When the form gets submitted, is it actually submitting the values I have entered i.e. val(50) or at the point it serialzies does it just get data from the form on the actual html page?
// stop all forms from submitting and submit the real (hidden) form#order
$('form:not(#order)').submit(function(event) {
alert('quick2a being submitted');
$('form#order input[name=custom_channels]').val(50);
var name = 'het-';
name += $('form#order input[name=platform]').val('astsk');
name += '-ga-';
name += $('form#order input[name=license]').val('floating');
$('form#order input[name=productname]').val(name);
$.post('/store/cart/add/ajax/', $('form#order').serialize(), function() {
document.location.href = '/store/checkout';
I want those values to be set in the form regardless of what is set by the user, am I doing this correctly?
Thanks all