



I need to perform some actions when list box selection is about to changed, but old item is still selected. Something like PreviewSelectionChanged. Does WPF allow such operation? I can not find such event in ListBox control.


What exactly do you need to do? You can normally just perform your work in the bound property:

<ListBox SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}"/>

public object SelectedItem
    get { return _selectedItem; }
        if (_selectedItem != value)
            // do some work before change here with _selectedItem

            _selectedItem = value;

Of course, if you're binding to a dependency property, the same principal applies. The DependencyPropertyChanged handler gives you the old and new values.

HTH, Kent

Kent Boogaart

Here is how to get the old item from the selection changed event.

private void ListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender , SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    // Here are your old selected items from the selection changed.
    // If your list box does not allow multiple selection, then just use the index 0
    // but making sure that the e.RemovedItems.Count is > 0 if you are planning to address by index.
    IList oldItems = e.RemovedItems;

    // Do something here.

    // Here are you newly selected items.
    IList newItems = e.AddedItems;

Hope this is what you're after.

Tri Q
Thank you for answer. It is just a part of my goal, another part is to prevent selection changing in some cases. OK, I think it's possible to check some conditions in the event handler and automatically restore old selection.
Alex Kofman