I need to perform some actions when list box selection is about to changed, but old item is still selected. Something like PreviewSelectionChanged. Does WPF allow such operation? I can not find such event in ListBox control.
What exactly do you need to do? You can normally just perform your work in the bound property:
<ListBox SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}"/>
public object SelectedItem
get { return _selectedItem; }
if (_selectedItem != value)
// do some work before change here with _selectedItem
_selectedItem = value;
Of course, if you're binding to a dependency property, the same principal applies. The DependencyPropertyChanged
handler gives you the old and new values.
HTH, Kent
Kent Boogaart
2009-10-11 11:11:37
Here is how to get the old item from the selection changed event.
private void ListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender , SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
// Here are your old selected items from the selection changed.
// If your list box does not allow multiple selection, then just use the index 0
// but making sure that the e.RemovedItems.Count is > 0 if you are planning to address by index.
IList oldItems = e.RemovedItems;
// Do something here.
// Here are you newly selected items.
IList newItems = e.AddedItems;
Hope this is what you're after.
Tri Q
2009-10-14 14:41:21
Thank you for answer. It is just a part of my goal, another part is to prevent selection changing in some cases. OK, I think it's possible to check some conditions in the event handler and automatically restore old selection.
Alex Kofman
2009-10-15 07:22:48