I've download the bin files "SpeakerIdentApp-bin-0.3.0-devel-20060226.tar.bz2" in http://sourceforge.net/projects/marf/files/.
I've extracted them and thrrought the console I made: java -jar SpeakerIdentApp.jar
It happears the help saying how the command must be performed.
If I execute java -jar SpeakerIdentApp.jar --stats it works
If I execute java -jar SpeakerIdentApp.jar --ident lol.wav --raw or java -jar SpeakerIdentApp.jar --ident lol.wav or java -jar SpeakerIdentApp.jar --ident lol.wav -rar it doesn't work.
So, how do I execute it?
I would like also to know how to make a java project on eclipse with the content of the jar's given.