I am using instant rails which makes use of SQLite and I am unable to connect to the database. I have been using a tutorial that uses MySQL and I have been unable to find instructions for SQLite. Any suggestions?
You could install sqlite.
Or, assuming you have mysql installed, you could change your config/database.yml
file to use mysql instead of sqlite.
(From using rails -d mysql testapp)
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
reconnect: false
database: awesome_development
pool: 5
username: root
host: localhost
Update To use sqlite3, you need the sqlite gem and to set up your rails database.yml to use it. The default config rails generates uses sqlite and looks like this
adapter: sqlite3
database: db/development.sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
to install, here are some good looking instructions
2009-10-10 22:56:10
I need the above for a SQLite database. I don't know how to get SQLite working. That's the problem.
Nir Levy
2009-10-11 00:42:39
I always have problems with sqlLite in folder with spac in the path e.g. Program Files and similar folders.
2009-10-11 14:45:39