



For no apparent reason, my instance of Visual Studio 2008 now listens on port 10000. This happens even if no project is open. Unfortunately, I need port 10000 for Azure development.

Any ideas about why VS is now listening on 10000?

EDIT: Could it be related to VSTS Profiling? I was tinkering with that a few days ago and might not have restarted VS since then. However, I see no settings related to port 10000 anywhere.

+1  A: 

what does

netstat -p tcp -o -b


I'm not sure anything in Visual Studio 2008 that listens on port 10000. (You may have a plugin listening on this port though)

In any event, you should always be able to edit your service endpoints to use a different port.

Zac Bowling
Yes, that's how I learned that VS listens on 10000. 'netstat -ba' said it's VS.
hmmm... can you go to Help->About and do a copy info and paste it to a pastebin? Get a dump all the VS extensions you have running.
Zac Bowling
nevermind. bad idea unless you want to share all your product keys.
Zac Bowling
Not sure if those numbers are license keys or product IDs, but at any rate I sanitized the output before making a pastebin. Link is in original post.
I have a different version of Azure tools which may be while I do anything bind on 10000
Zac Bowling

I never got to the bottom of this. I upgraded to Win7 and had to reinstall VS anyhow, so of course the problem went away then.

that's not nice. answer your own question and then check it without handing out up votes :-P
Zac Bowling
My bad! Now remedied.