I have a solr index on a remote server and need to create a search page interface. I am using GWT to code the pages and XML-HTTP to query the index and receive the response. The problem is the same-site origin security policy. It won't let JavaScript retrieve the remote XML data. Is there a workaround for this, without using JSON preferably.
and that doesn't help much. i'll use JSON instead of xml
2009-10-11 21:39:06
Sorry gayel, but such comments belong to the... comments section (see the 'add comment' link under the question?)And yes, GWT has it's issues... over 4100 actually (http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/list ;)), most of them are resolved though, thankfully :)
Igor Klimer
2009-10-12 01:20:13
GWT is just Javascript so any limitation of JS is a limitation of GWT. As thus the remark is completely useless.
David Nouls
2009-10-12 07:46:17
:-) who cares about you and GWT? Only a bunch of fools would use GWT where it doesn't apply, i.e. for any kind of web applications.
2009-10-12 13:00:39
A similar problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1488740/make-gwt-interact-with-asp-net-web-service
The answers there should also apply here.
Depending on the type of data that you want to send (that is, how "public" they are), JSONP might not be the best option - it's not the safest method of transport (pure JSON is safer, but to overcome SOP you need the padding).
If you have a Java server on the.. server side, I'd go with GWT <-> servlet (acting as proxy, on the same domain as your main app) <-> web service (any domain)
- the safest and cleanest code, afaict.
Igor Klimer
2009-10-12 01:16:25
Yes, that links sums it up quite well. The name trick is interesting and should work on multiple browser types. The proxy is the easiest solution.
David Nouls
2009-10-12 07:47:51
The `window.name` hack is also much safer than `JSONP` - the only voulnerability I know of is that the value of `window.name` persists, even if the user leaves the site (that's why this hack works, but that also means that sitexxx.com could try to read window.name in search of confidential/any data). However, using that custom `FormPanel` from Ray Cromwell fixes that - the `FormPanel` uses a dynamically created iframe, so after use it's discarded and thus afterward no one can read the value of `window.name` of that iframe.
Igor Klimer
2009-10-12 15:43:21
thanks igro. i'm implementing a java servlet on the server since i already have tomcat running.
2009-10-12 20:28:53