+2  A: 

vertical space is generally controlled through CSS with line-height. For example,

li { line-height: 40px; }

You may find this article useful, which lists some of the common CSS attributes used to style lists


In response to your edited question, you can control horiztonal spacing using margin-left. for example

 <li>num 1
   <li>num 1.1</li>
   <li>num 1.2
     <li>3rd level</li>
 <li>num 2</li>

with CSS

li ul li {  margin-left:100px; }

will space lists of depth 1 or more 100px to the right. Here's how that looks

Russ Cam
Whoops whoops whoops. Terribly sorry. I meant horizontal. Thanks anyway. I'll edit the question. I get those mixed up, you know.

I generally turn off an margin padding and line-height for li, ul, ol in CSS. I'm almost certain most browsers use margins to set this, but to be sure I set them all to 0.

ul, ol, li {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    line-height: 0;

It seems to me your html is wrong, you cannot have an ul inside an ul. The correct syntax is:

 <li>num 1
   <li>num 1.1</li>
   <li>num 1.2
     <li>3rd level</li>
 <li>num 2</li>

Notice that all the closing li's have moved to the end of that list item (including it's sub-items).

Using a css reset it should display the same way in all browsers (more or less...).

Ah, I didn't know this.

Depends on how you want to add the spacing. You can use either top/bottom margin or padding. In your case I would choose margin:

li {
    margin: 5px 10px 5px 1em;

Also make sure you use a reset class to normalise the differences between browsers.

Ben Rowe