When posting an HTML checkbox to the server it has a string value of 'on' or ''. Readonly does not stop the user editing the checkbox and disabled stops the value being posted back. One way around this is to have a hidden element to store the actual value and the displayed checkbox is a dummy which is disabled. This way the checkbox state is persisted inbetween posts. Here is a function to do this. It uses a string of 'T' or 'F' and you can change this any way you like. This has been used in an ASP page using server side VB script.
public function MakeDummyReadonlyCheckbox(i_strName, i_strChecked_TorF)
dim strThisCheckedValue
if (i_strChecked_TorF = "T") then
strThisCheckedValue = " checked "
i_strChecked_TorF = "on"
strThisCheckedValue = ""
i_strChecked_TorF = ""
end if
MakeDummyReadonlyCheckbox = "<input type='hidden' id='" & i_strName & "' name='" & i_strName & "' " & _
"value='" & i_strChecked_TorF & "'>" & _
"<input type='checkbox' disabled id='" & i_strName & "Dummy' name='" & i_strName & "Dummy' " & _
strThisCheckedValue & ">"
end function
public function GetCheckbox(i_objCheckbox)
select case trim(i_objCheckbox)
case ""
GetCheckbox = "F"
case else
GetCheckbox = "T"
end select
end function
At the top of an ASP page you can pickup the persisted value...
strDataValue = GetCheckbox(Request.Form("chkTest"))
and when you want to output your checkbox you can do this...
response.write MakeDummyReadonlyCheckbox("chkTest", strDataValue)
I have tested this and it works just fine. It also does not rely upon javascript.