




Does anyone know how to delete all files in a directory with Ruby. My script works well when there are no hidden files but when there are (i.e .svn files) I cannot delete them and Ruby raises the Errno::ENOTEMPTY error. How do I do that ??

Thanks in advance.

+2  A: 

.svn isn't a file, it's a directory.

Check out remove_dir in FileUtils.

Jonas Elfström
+1  A: 

It probably has nothing to do with the fact, that .svn is hidden. The error suggest, that you are trying to delete a non empty directory. You need to delete all files within the directory before you can delete the directory.

Tomas Markauskas
I think the problem is that the file *is* hidden, so it's not coming up when he lists the files in the directory using whatever method he's using so he doesn't delete them.
Matthew Scharley
He says it raises Errno::ENOTEMPTY so he probably just needs rm_rf from FileUtils.
Tomas Markauskas

Yes, you can delete (hiden) directory using FileUtils.remove_dir path.

I happend to just write a script to delete all the .svn file in the directory recursively. Hope it helps.

require 'fileutils'
def svnC dir

    d = Dir.new(dir)
    d.each do |f|
            next if f.eql?(".") or f.eql?("..")
            #if f is directory , call svnC on it
            path = dir + "/" + "#{f}"
            if File.stat(path).directory?
                    if  f.eql?(".svn")
                            FileUtils.remove_dir path
                            svnC path


 svnC FileUtils.pwd
Thanks pierr for the support
I seem to remember you can achieve the same thing with Subversion by doing an svn export to the same folder you have the checkout.
Nigel Thorne
+1  A: 

If you specifically want to get rid of your svn files, here's a script that will do it without harming the rest of your files:

require 'fileutils'
directories = Dir.glob(File.join('**','.svn'))
directories.each do |dir|
    FileUtils.rm_rf dir

Just run the script in your base svn directory and that's all there is to it (if you're on windows with the asp.net hack, just change .svn to _svn).

Regardless, look up Dir.glob; it should help you in your quest.

Evan Larkin
There is a typo at the script, a dot after svn at line 2. It should be:directories = Dir.glob(File.join('**','.svn'))I tested it on both linux and windows and it works fine.
Thanks; it is fixed now.
Evan Larkin

As @evan said you can do

require 'fileutils'
Dir.glob('**/.svn').each {|dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) }

or you can make it a one liner and just execute it from the command line

ruby -e "require 'fileutils'; Dir.glob('**/.svn').each {|dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) }"
Jamie Cook