You will need to make use of the lists.asmx GetList method. It returns all of the metadata about a list.
Here's some code I've been using in combination with Linq to XML:
Private _serviceRefrence As SharePointListsService.ListsSoapClient
Dim endPoint As New ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(_serviceURL)
Dim ListID as Guid = New Guid("<<Your List Guid>>")
_serviceRefrence = New SharePointListsService.ListsSoapClient("ListsSoap", endPoint)
_serviceRefrence.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = Credentials
_serviceRefrence.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation
Dim results As XmlElement = _serviceRefrence.GetList(listID.ToString())
Dim parserResults As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(results.OuterXml)
Dim listinfo = (From list In parserResults.Descendants(XName.Get("List", "")) _
Select New With {.RequireCheckout = list.Attribute("RequireCheckout").Value, _
.ModerationEnabled = list.Attribute("EnableModeration").Value, _
.VersioningEnabled = list.Attribute("EnableVersioning")}).Single()
Hope this helps!