I'm doing this in C#, but, I guess, it isn't language specific problem...
I've got some sample code on how to detect when the contents of the clipboard changes. Now I want to modify the text that just got copied (strip some tags) and replace clipboard text with fixed one.
But if I SetDataObject() when I detect the clipboard contents have changed, that will generate the the message that Clipboard contents have changed again. In theory, i guess, it sounds like an infinite loop (in practice for some reason it's not).
What's the strategy to do this modification once, and sent the message down the clipboard monitoring chain?
P.S. As a test I'm doing following, but what happens is Clipboard.SetDataObject.. line gets called twice. I don't understand why, I'd expect it do this infinitely.
String clipboardText = GetClipboardText();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clipboardText))
Clipboard.SetDataObject("test( " + clipboardText + " )!");
Win32.User32.SendMessage(_ClipboardViewerNext, m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam);