
What is a good web-based Grid that accepts Excel clipboard data?

Any good recommendations for a platform agnostic (i.e. Javascript) grid control/plugin that will accept pasted Excel data and can emit Excel-compliant clipboard data during a Copy? I believe Excel data is formatted as CSV during "normal" clipboard operations....

How can I enable copy and paste between my host and VMware guest OS?

I have a VMware 6 Workstation installation running on my XP 64-bit host OS. I have a 32-bit Windows 2003 guest. I simply want to be able to put something on the clipboard in one world and paste it into the other world, but the clipboards seem entirely distinct. I see the "Guest Isolation" setting for my VM, and it's set to allow both ...

Get application name from Windows XP cut and paste?

This is a bit of a long shot, but if anyone can figure it out, you guys can... In Windows XP, is there any meta-data that comes with a cut and paste action, from which I can ascertain the application that provided the clipboard contents? Bonus question... if there is such information, is there any way I can access it through a Java app...

CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN error when setting the Clipboard from .NET

Why does the following code sometimes causes an Exception with the contents "CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN": Clipboard.SetText(str); This usually occurs the first time the Clipboard is used in the application and not after that. ...

Why can't I single-step Clipboard-code within the VS.NET debugger ?

Ideally the reader has upgraded a native C++ program to Visual Studio 2008, which contains an OpenClipboard() block. Why not try setting a breakpoint just after getting a successful return-code from OpenClipboard() and step through your code. According to the Internet it may work on your system, but of course, not on mine, thanks for t...

Is it possible to send the contents of a text file to the clipboard from the command line in OS X?

I've found myself needing to do this a couple of times lately and wondered if there was a way to do this in the OS already. Failing that, I've got a pretty good idea of how to write a script to do it, I just need to know how to access the clipboard in os x. ...

Copy / Put text on the clipboard with FireFox, Safari and Chrome

In Internet Explorer I can use the clipboardData object to access the clipboard. How can I do that in FireFox, Safari and/or Chrome? ...

Use clipboard from VBScript

I am looking for a method to place some text onto the clipboard with VBScript. The VBScript in question will be deployed as part of our login script. I would like to avoid using anything that isn't available on a clean Windows XP system. Edit: In answer to the questions about what this is for. We wanted to encourage users inside our ...

Windows clipboard CRLF/LF passing wrong for one user

We have a pair of applications. One is written in C# and uses something like: string s = "alpha\r\nbeta\r\ngamma\r\ndelta"; // Actually there's wrapper code here to make sure this works. System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(s, true); To put a list of items onto the clipboard. Another application (in WinBatch) then picks u...

How can I read raw (CF_HTML) clipboard data in a webpage or C#?

If I drag and drop a selection of a webpage from Firefox to HTML-Kit, HTML-Kit asks me whether I want to paste as text or HTML. If I select "text," I get this: Version:0.9 StartHTML:00000147 EndHTML:00000516 StartFragment:00000181 EndFragment:00000480 SourceURL: <html><body> <!--StartFragment-->Addi...

How to tell if text on the windows clipboard is ISO 8859 or UTF-8 in C++ ?

I would like to know if there is an easy way to detect if the text on the clipboard is in ISO 8859 or UTF-8 ? Here is my current code: COleDataObject obj; if (obj.AttachClipboard()) { if (obj.IsDataAvailable(CF_TEXT)) { HGLOBAL hmem = obj.GetGlobalData(CF_TEXT); CMemFile sf((BYTE*) ::GlobalLock(hmem),...

Adding Text to Clipboard on Click of ListView Column Header - C#

Is there a an event for ListViews that are activated when one of the column headers are clicked on? The plan was to add some text to the user's clipboard when they click on the column header. Is there any easy way to do this? Thanks for any help you can give on the subject, I appreciate it! ...

How to perform a deep copy of an object not marked as serializable (in C#)?

I am attempting to create a Clipboard stack in C#. Clipboard data is stored in System.Windows.Forms.DataObject objects. I wanted to store each clipboard entry (IDataObject) directly in a Generic list. Due to the way Bitmaps (seem to be) stored I am thinking I need to perform a deep copy first before I add it to the list. I attempted to...

Tool to save a larger clipboard

Hi, Are there any tools to have a more robust clipboard type feature in windows? I am using 2008 (if it has it built-in and I don't know about it?) I used to have this tool where I created lots of items in my clipboard that I could access using short-cuts, but I forgot that name of that app! Tips? ...

Webcam usage in C#

Hello, I am making a program in C# to connect to a webcam and do some image manipulation with it. I have a working application that uses win32 api (avicap32.dll) to connect to the webcam and send messages to it that sends it to the clipboard. The problem is that, while accesible from paint, reading it from the program results in null poi...

Is it possible to read the clipboard in Firefox, Safari and Chrome using Javascript?

I'm trying to read the contents of the clipboard using Javascript. With Internet Explorer it's possible using window.clipdData.getData("Text") Is there a similar way of reading the clipboard in Firefox, Safari and Chrome? ...

Copy and Modify selected text in different application.

I have a windows application running at the backend. I have functions in this applications mapped to hot keys. Like if i put a message box into this function and give hot key as Alt+Ctl+D. then on pressing Alt, Ctrl and D together the message box comes up. My application is working fine till this point. Now i want to write a code insid...

How to get correctly-encoded HTML from the clipboard?

Has anyone noticed that if you retrieve HTML from the clipboard, it gets the encoding wrong and injects weird characters? For example, executing a command like this: string s = (string) Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Html) Results in stuff like: <FONT size=-2>  <A href="/advanced_search?hl=en">Advanced Search</A><BR>  <A href="/...

How do I copy an image and text to the clipboard as one object?

I'm trying to copy both an image from a file and text from a file to the clipboard. My intention is to then open a word document or an outlook email and paste both the text and the image in one standard paste command (CTRL-V for example). I can do both separately easily enough, but doing them both in one operation doesn't seem to work. ...

How to place text in the clipboard so that it pastes as a table in Word?

Using VBA in MS Office, how do I add text to the Windows clipboard so that it will paste into Word as a table? ...