
How can I update a win32 app gui while it is waiting for another program to finish?

I am currently using CreateProcess/WaitForSingleObject from within a win32 GUI app to launch a small GUI app that deals with software licensing issues. This all works fine, but it essentially hangs the "parent" app while it waits for the licensing app to finish its work. During this time, updates to the parent app do not occur and it end...

How do I copy a string to the clipboard on Windows using Python?

Hey there, I'm kind of new to Python and I'm trying to make a basic application that builds a string out of user input then adds it to the win32 clipboard. I'm having a problem passing the string to the clipboard. What am I doing wrong? Here's my code example: ...

Clipboard event C#

Is there a clipboard changed or updated event that i can access through C#? ...

VB/VBA: Fetch HTML string from clipboard (copied via web browser)

It seems that when you copy something from a web browser to the clipboard, at least 2 things are stored: Plain text HTML source code Then it is up to the software that you are pasting into can determine which one it wants. When pasting into MS Excel 2003, you have a paste special option to paste HTML, which will paste the formatted...

Clipboard management with websites

Hello, I would like to know how to put text into the clipboard like some popular sites are able to do. I saw a cross browser way to do it using flash, but it wont work with the current version? I have seen sites like and have made copying to the clipboard automatic and cross browser. Please help. Thanks ...

Is there a way to change the contents of elements when they are selected?

Is it possible to change the contents of elements when they, or a part of the text within them, is selected then reverting them back when they are deselected? The aim being that when they are copied to the clipboard the alternate value is copied. The html looking something like this: <p>Today is the <span class="date" value="18/03/200...

Show contents of the windows clipboard

How can I see what the Windows clipboard currently contains without using the paste operation? I don't want the "pasted-to" application to perform any actions on the clipboard (e.g. formatting text, converting). Is there a tool which shows the clipboard's objects and their format (CF_BITMAP, CF_TEXT, etc.) and content (in simple bytes ...

Custom clipboard data format accross RDC (.NET)

Hi, I'm trying to copy a custom object from a RDC window into host (my local) machine. It fails. Here's the code that i'm using to 1) copy and 2) paste: 1) Remote (client running on Windows XP accessed via RDC): //copy entry IDataObject ido = new DataObject(); XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typ...

What signals should I catch for clipboard pasting and character insertion in GTK ?

I have a Window with a TextView, and I would like to perform some actions when the user pastes some text. I would also like to know what signal(s) should I catch in order to perform something when the user presses a key inside the TextView. Can you tell me what are the signals I must connect? ...

Pasting functions from system clipboard to gVIM

The following is the contents of the Windows System Clipboard :function CurrentLineLength : len = strlen(getline(".")) : return len :endfunction I hit the colon and then control r I then hit shift 8 to paste the contents of the system clipboard. I hit return and vim comes back with E488: Trailing Characters I see some ^M charac...

vim: copy selection to OS X clipboard

There must be a really simple solution here that I'm missing: Say you've got an area selected in vim. How can you copy it into the OS X clipboard? (Hint: the OS X clipboard can be written to via pipe to /usr/bin/pbcopy) ...

Unable to copy fast a file to clipboard in a Linux computer

I have not yet found an easy solution to copy your file to a clipboard in Linux, similarly as in Mac by cat file | pbcopy I tried to use the following command in Vim unsuccessfully :copy 1,9999999 to copy the file. How can you copy a file fast to your clipboard in Linux such that you can then paste it to dpaste? ...

Pipe to/from Clipboard

Is it possible to pipe to/from the clipboard in bash? Whether it's piping to/from a device handle or using an auxiliary application, I can't find anything. For example, if /dev/clip was a device linking to the clipboard we could do: cat /dev/clip # dump the contents of the clipboard cat foo > /dev/clip # dump the contents of "f...

Can't paste into web form

A user complains they can't paste into one particular text box on a form and that this is a change in behavior that occurred three months ago. I can't reproduce the error. I've tried long text, short text, plain text, formatted text, everything works. I did fix some poorly formatted HTML, but it didn't change their problem. The user and...

How do you copy arbitrary data to the clipboard as a file?

We develop a database application. The user asks for a new feature, to copy blobs into the clipboard such that Windows Explorer can paste them as new files. One solution is to save the blobs into a temp folder and add these temp files to the clipboard. But I'm looking for a better solution. Is it possible to hook the paste action in Wi...

Get clipboard data as array in javascript

Is there a way to manipulate the clipboard data in JavaScript? Also is there a way to implement the visual studio *** Ctrl+Shift+V option to paste clipboard data in cycle? ...

Is there any way to get a WordprocessingML Clipboard content in java?

I've got a customer who managed it to paste WordprocessingML content into our application. As far as I know it was a direct copy&paste from Word 2000 to our Java application. I tried every Word and Java Version combination, but I can't reproduce this behavior - especially, since our application filters for HTML and text/plain. I'm prett...

Is there a Javascript based firefox plug in to analyse people's writing style on google docs?

Right now I'm trying to get it to tell when the user has done a copy, cut, or paste operation and log what has been copied/pasted. Essentially I want it to grab the clipboard after the user copies or cuts, and put it in a log file. Basically, I need a way to grab the system clipboard, and a way to output a log file of what the javasc...

How to copy and paste a file with the clipboard from a compressed folder using VB.Net

The question says it all. I want to paste a file from the clipboard that has been copied from a compress folder using By examining the clipboard, I see there is a FileGroupDescriptorW which seems to contain some information about the file. But I have not found how to use the information to grab the file and paste it. ...

Shoes problems: clipboard and scroll bar

The code below has (at least) two problems: the Copy button doesn't update the clipboard, and the edit_box doesn't show a vertical scroll bar when it should. (:title => "Test", :width => 1000, :height => 600) do background "#DFA" stack :margin => 30 do flow do button "Paste" do @sql.text = clipboard ...