PHP fatals come back as 200, how can i make it return a 500
You would have to catch the thrown error using try/catch and then use that catch block to send a header() with the 500 error.
try {
throw new Exception('error');
} catch (Exception $e) {
header("Status: 500 Server Error");
If the fatal exception is not surrounded by try {} catch blocks then you must register a global handler and use register_shutdown_function()
to check for an error at script end.
It is not possible to handle PHP E_ERROR in any way according to the PHP documentation:
Nor is is possible to handle "E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING, and most of E_STRICT" according to that link.
You CAN provide a handler for the other error, warning, and notices including E_USER_ERROR, but that's really not as useful as it sounds since this error only gets thrown intentionally by the programmer with trigger_error().
And of course you can catch any Exception (even the ones thrown by the native PHP functions).
I agree that this is a problem. Servers should NOT return 200 OK when application code crashes and burns.
I have used "set_exception_handler" to handle uncaught exceptions.
function handleException($ex) {
error_log("Uncaught exception class=" . get_class($ex) . " message=" . $ex->getMessage() . " line=" . $ex->getLine());
ob_end_clean(); # try to purge content sent so far
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
echo 'Internal error';