Hi. Can anyone tell me where I can find a Ruby 1.8.6 so I can istall it in my Centos 5 machine?
Thank you.
Hi. Can anyone tell me where I can find a Ruby 1.8.6 so I can istall it in my Centos 5 machine?
Thank you.
yum install ruby
If this will not install the Ruby for you, add appropriate repository to yum.
If the Ruby version in repositories is outdated, get the source, build, install by yourself.
You probably want this:
"To use with yum, create /etc/yum.repos.d/ruby.repo and add the following:"
"Sample usage:"
yum --enablerepo=ruby list *RUBY*
Googleage: http://krnjevic.com/wp/?p=75
RPM for CentOS 5.1, x86: http://repo.premiumhelp.eu/ruby/RPMS/ruby-
Failing that, the source code is available from the Ruby site, and you can compile and install it: ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.8/ruby-1.8.6.tar.gz
Download tarball with your version of Ruby from here
tar -xjvf ruby-1.8.6-pxxx.tar.bz2
cd ruby-1.8.6
make install
I had to do exactly what you are asking for, I just used version 1.8.7
you can install ruby and all its dependencies including Gems withi this bash script
A note to all others that come after me: If you want RoR with ruby-gems on a 64 bit CentOS installation: install from scratch. As of now, there are no good repos out there that work well, and installation from source is smooth. Just make sure you have gcc and make installed.