In a web application I've inherited at work which was written about 10 years ago I've noticed the following code snippets repeatedly used:
<script language="JavaScript" for="FG1" event="Mousedown(Button, Shift, x, y)">
// some code here that uses the variables Button, Shift, x and y
I've never really seen anything like this before. FG1 is an active x object so are these some special things for it specifically or are they just another way of handling any regular javascript event...could the ID reference an input (e.g. a button) and the event be onclick?
ideally, i'd re write it as (if my thinking is correct...I'm not actually going to change the code in the web app as it works, i just want to understand what it means!)
<script type="text/javascript">
var fg1 = document.getElementById("FG1");
fg1.onMouseDown = function(Button, Shift, x, y) {
// do stuff here...