Lets say I have a MC with a x position of 100. And I push it in An array
how can I access the array and get MC.x?
Lets say I have a MC with a x position of 100. And I push it in An array
how can I access the array and get MC.x?
Assuming you don't put any other MC in the array afterwards:
Assuming you'll be adding other movieclips into the array, save the movieclips position into an variable when pushing it into the array;
var mcPos:uint = newArray.push(MC) - 1;
Then access the movieclip's x with the index later with
You can target it directly like Marius suggested.
newArray[ newArray.length - 1 ].x;
But if you need to do a lot of operations on the clip you might want to create a reference variable instead (a.k.a reference aliasing). This will not only speed up your code but it will also make your code more readable:
var mc : MovieClip = newArray[ newArray.length - 1 ];
mc.x = 100;
mc.y = 100;