I have this function on my controller (Im using CodeIgniter) that reads the database, then produces a comma-delimited string that I feed on print() so the user can save/open the file.
On development, the export of about 2000+ records takes about 20-30 seconds. The problem is, on production, the request doesn't finish/goes to a blank page (no save/open dialog box is displayed by the browser).
Do I need to tweak some other php.ini settings? Currently on production memory_limit is at 256mb, max_execution_time is at 300. (On development max_execution_time is at 600).
If it helps, here are the codes (stripped down versions):
Model (kidsprofile_model):
function get_masterlist() {
$this->db->select(kid_id,name, date_created, date_modified, birthdate)
The controller function that process the above to a csv:
function export_to_csv() {
$kids = $kid_model->get_master_list();
$out = "";
$out .= "Date Created,Date Modified,Kid Id,Kid Name,Age".
"Father Name,Mother Name,Guardian 1 Name,Guardian 2 Name,\n";
foreach ($kids->result() as $kid) {
$date_created = ($kid->date_created)?date('F j Y',$kid->kid_date_created):'';
$date_modified = ($kid->date_modified)?date('F j Y',$kid->date_modified):'';
$out .= $date_created.",".$date_modified.",".$kid->kid_name.",".getAge($kid->birthdate).","
$out .="\n";
header("Content-type: text/x-csv");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=master_list.csv");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-Length: " . strlen($out));
header("Expires: 0");
The get_detail_of_guardian() you see above inside the for loop queries another table that gets the guardian information for a kid. (To those who might say why not just left join it together with the query for the kids above, I tried it and it's much slower since I need 4 left joins (2 parents, 2 guardians) for 1 kid.)