




Hi, I have made an application of reading all contacts and its values from android address book, but i am not able to read all the vlaues of contact. Currently i am getting only its name and mobile number.

How can i get its all phone numbers,all eamil values and address values ?

Thanks in advance...


First of all, don't put code in the comments. Edit your original post, it makes it much easier to read.

Second, this is a bit of a complicated issue with Android. Contact information is not all in the same place, so if you want it all you're going to have to execute multiple queries. Here's an example of getting all the phone numbers cut and pasted from this thread:

void trythiscode(){
   // An array specifying which columns to return.
   String[] projection = new String[] {

   // Get the base URI for People table in Contacts content provider.
   // which is: content://contacts/people/
   Uri contactUri = People.CONTENT_URI;

   // Best way to retrieve a query; returns a managed query.
   Cursor peopleCursor = managedQuery (contactUri,
     projection, //Which columns to return.
     null, // WHERE clause--we won't specify.
     null, // Selection Args??
     People.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); // Order-by name

   // go to the beginning of the list

   // So, here we have a contact. We need to get the contact ID (_id) then
   // build the Uri to get the phones section of that user's record
   // which is a subdirectory of a contact record

   long personId = peopleCursor.getLong(peopleCursor.getColumnIndex("_id"));

   Uri personUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(contactUri, personId );

   // So now the URL looks like: content://contacts/people/_id(where the actual id of the record is here)
   Uri phoneUri=
    Uri.withAppendedPath(personUri, Contacts.People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);

   // Now the URL looks like: content://contacts/people/_id/phones (where phones is literally "phones")

   // Now get all the phone numbers for this contact
   Cursor phonesCursor = managedQuery(phoneUri,

   // We now have a cursor for all the phone numbers for that User ID
   // go to the beginning of the phone list.


And it's entirely possible that this is outdated(I haven't tried it). You'll have to spend some time reading the documentation in case they updated things in Doughnut.
