What glitch do you believe exists in mod_wsgi?
The simple fact of the matter is that WSGI 1.0 doesn't support mutating input filters which change the content length of the request content. Thus technically you can't use mod_deflate in Apache for request content when using WSGI 1.0. Your setting the content length to be a value other than the actual size is most likely going to stuff up operation of mod_deflate.
If you want to be able to handle compressed request content you need to step outside of WSGI 1.0 specification and use non standard code.
I suggest you have a read of:
This explains this problem and the suggestions about it.
I'd very much suggest you take this issue over to the official mod_wsgi mailing list for discussion about how you need to write your code. If though you are using one of the Python frameworks however, you are probably going to be restricted in what you can do as they will implement WSGI 1.0 where you can't do this.
From discussion on mod_wsgi list, the original WSGI application should be wrapped in following WSGI middleware. This will only work on WSGI adapters that actually provide an empty string as end sentinel for input, something which WSGI 1.0 doesn't require. This should possibly only be used for small uploads as everything is read into memory. If need large compressed uploads, then data when accumulated should be written out to a file instead.
class Wrapper:
def __init__(self, application):
self.__application = application
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
if environ.get('HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING', '') == 'gzip':
buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
input = environ['wsgi.input']
blksize = 8192
length = 0
data = input.read(blksize)
length += len(data)
while data:
data = input.read(blksize)
length += len(data)
buffer = cStringIO.StringIO(buffer.getvalue())
environ['wsgi.input'] = buffer
environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = length
return self.__application(environ, start_response)
application = Wrapper(original_wsgi_application_callable)