




Hello. I really want to run some ruby code on Apache server. I've got libapache2-mod-ruby and libapache-ruby1.8 installed (complete list of what is installed is here). What do I do now to make it run (here`s an example)?

+1  A: 

mod-ruby is not really the preferred way to go in the ruby community.

The easiest way for you to start it to install passenger (trough gem) and configure apache to use it.

It is really easy to do,

you can follow the official tutorial here: http://www.modrails.com/install.html

Aurélien Bottazzini
Passenger appears to be for Rails - is that what @folone wants?
I'm with Brent. There are many uses for inserting Ruby in the middle of an Apache request (authentication, authorization, fixing malformed requests, etc.) rather than as the endpoint adapter -- that is, what Passenger + Rails do together.
James A. Rosen