



Hey everyone!

I've created a function that consumes an RSS feed from Flickr using Zend_Feed. Unfortunately I am struggling to extract some keys!

I can get the < title > and such by echoing


But how can I echo out something like < media:thumbnail >?

I'm sure there's a completely simple way of doing this but I can't for the life of me figure it out!

Thank you everyone.

Here is an example entry

<category scheme='' term=''/&gt;
<category scheme='' term='Games' label='Gaming'/>
<category scheme='' term='torchlight'/>
<category scheme='' term='vanquisher'/>
<category scheme='' term='mmo'/>
<category scheme='' term='mmorpg'/>
<category scheme='' term='massively'/>
<category scheme='' term='multiplayer'/>
<category scheme='' term='online'/>
<category scheme='' term='game'/>
<category scheme='' term='mmohub'/>
<category scheme='' term='hub'/>
<category scheme='' term='forums'/>
<category scheme='' term='reviews'/>
<title type='text'>Torchlight - Vanquisher Gameplay</title>
<content type='text'>I'm so excited to reveal the latest trailer for Torchlight, featuring the third class, the Vanquisher!</content>
<link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href=';amp;feature=youtube_gdata'/&gt;
<link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/&gt;
<link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/&gt;
<link rel='' type='text/html' href=''/&gt;
<link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/&gt;
  <gd:feedLink href='' countHint='0'/>
  <media:category label='Gaming' scheme=''&gt;Games&lt;/media:category&gt;
  <media:content url=';amp;app=youtube_gdata' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' medium='video' isDefault='true' expression='full' duration='97' yt:format='5'/>
  <media:content url='rtsp://' type='video/3gpp' medium='video' expression='full' duration='97' yt:format='1'/>
  <media:content url='rtsp://' type='video/3gpp' medium='video' expression='full' duration='97' yt:format='6'/>
  <media:description type='plain'>I'm so excited to reveal the latest trailer for Torchlight, featuring the third class, the Vanquisher!</media:description>
  <media:keywords>torchlight, vanquisher, mmo, mmorpg, massively, multiplayer, online, game, mmohub, hub, forums, reviews</media:keywords>
  <media:player url=';amp;feature=youtube_gdata'/&gt;
  <media:thumbnail url='' height='90' width='120' time='00:00:48.500'/>
  <media:thumbnail url='' height='90' width='120' time='00:00:24.250'/>
  <media:thumbnail url='' height='90' width='120' time='00:01:12.750'/>
  <media:thumbnail url='' height='240' width='320' time='00:00:48.500'/>
  <media:title type='plain'>Torchlight - Vanquisher Gameplay</media:title>
  <yt:duration seconds='97'/>
<gd:rating average='5.0' max='5' min='1' numRaters='1' rel=''/&gt;
<yt:statistics favoriteCount='0' viewCount='24'/>

I would like to extract the first thumbnail url from the entry.

+1  A: 



could work or


But iam not 100% sure.

sadly neither of these seem to work. thanks for the ideas though!
+1  A: 

a colon in the key means a namespace is being used. The media one, which will be defined somewhere else in the XML as pointing at a yahoo domain, is a pretty common one to find in RSS. Zend_Feed sometimes takes away the namespace, so did you try $entry->thumbnail()?

Alternatively, I recall that there's a getDom method that will return you a DOMDocument on which you can use all the built-in NS-matching methods (getElementsByTagNameNS for example).

Or, take a look at the new Zend_Feed_Reader stuff - it might have support for the media namespace already or writing your own adapter is pretty simple - there's an example in the docs for amazon's inclusion of ISBN in some of their feeds that you'd be able to copy.

Zend_Feed_Reader does indeed support namespaced attributes.
David Caunt
have you an example how I might use the getDom method?

I have resolved this by using Zend Gdata YouTube instead, I am still interested how It could be done this way though as I may use Zend_Feed in the future for similar things!


Have you find a way to work with other namespaces?

lee O.