The Smarty FAQ suggests one way to handle cacheable fragments, but it needs each page controller to do tons of work up-front, instead of encapsulating things properly.
We want to get to a stage where we can do something like:
<div id="header">
{our_subcategories category=$current_category}
The output of the our_
prefixed functions should be completely cacheable, only relying on the named parameters (if any.) If we referred to {our_categories}
in more than one template, they should all refer to the same cached content.
(it's probably worth mentioning that we tried using {insert name="..."}
and coding up our own functions, but the results weren't cacheable, and we ended up hand-cranking the HTML retunred, rather than benefiting from Smarty's template processing.)
Our first crack at this uses a custom function smarty_function_our_categories
, but the caching's going horribly wrong. Here's what our function looks like:
function smarty_function_our_categories($params, &$smarty) {
$smarty->caching = 2;
$smarty->cache_lifetime = 3600; # 1 hour
if (!$smarty->is_cached(...)) {
// ... do db access to fetch data for template...
return $smarty->fetch(...);
The problem is: calling $smarty->fetch()
within a function confuses smarty, making it lose track of which templates have insert-tags, and which don't. The end result is that Smarty forgets to replace certain markers when serving up cached content (markers it puts there to say: "replace this with the results of some non-caching {insert ...}
call.) In our case, this manifests itself with our site showing a couple of md5 checksums and a php-serialized memento where our main menu should be - that's not good.
We assume we've made a mistake in how we're building our components, so the question finally becomes:
How do you safely create a caching component using Smarty to render itself?